I love these pictures of Aliyah, "Sissy", my little grand-daughter. She was at our house for a visit last week. The pictures were taken in front of our fireplace. For some reason (probably because she is NOT suppose to!) she LOVES to reach in and open the chimney damper. As you can see, she knew she was not to touch, but her eyes told it all!
How I would love to pull that chain, how VERY MUCH I want to pull that chain HARD!
With toys scattered all over the house, she would rather play with a chain in the chimney!
Just like all of us, sometimes we want what we can not have. Why are the "untouchable" things in life so appealing to us?
I know someone who will not take "NO" for an answer. Don't you DARE tell her that she cannot do something! She will "hair-lip" the devil to make it so! Talk about STUBBORN.....when you look up the word in the dictionary, it has her picture. I have watched as she allowed this personality trait to cause so much chaos in her life. If only she could accept a "NO".
From personal experience, I know that being told "NO" is very unpleasant ~ It goes against the grain ~ against our wills. We may feel that it "inhibits" our natural process and successes. Will we listen to the command/warning, or do it anyways? Which way to choose?
Just this week, I read some postings on FB from friends. They were discussing how "smart their parents were". Throughout our "growing up years", there are many times that we may feel that parents do not understand, or are TRYING to make sure we do not have fun. It does not look/seem like they do not have our best interests at heart. NOT SO! A good, Godly parent CAN lead you safely through adulthood (with the help of the LORD!). Being thankful for the guidance is the key.
I want to interject right here.... humans are not infallible. Even a good parent makes mistakes! Often I have asked my girls to overlook my faults just as I have overlooked theirs....because we love each other. To truly love is to see past/beyond the imperfect parts and see the "true heart" of another. My decisions on their behalf may not have been the best choices, but they were made with love and caring. Of course, once they have reached adulthood, it is their time to try on the "decision making" skills. I'm sure they have found out that is is not as fun as they dreamed it would be. I also have learned to respect their decisions as I hope they continue to respect mine. We can now often "agree to disagree" without estrangement.
All I know is, when I seek HIS will/way in my life, I have to respect HIS decision. Realizing that HE sees the "Whole Picture" and loves me beyond belief, is enough to know that I can bank on HIS answers ~ HIS command ~ HIS suggestions ~ HIS guidance.
I want to also see all the positive ways that HE leads me, and protects me... just like we do with our loved ones. May I not throw a fit or get mad at an executive order. Heaven's command is ultimate ~ timely and perfect. May I be smart enough to admit that....
Love these posts...your writing has really developed into something special. Happy Memorial Day.....the old man would be proud.