Right in the middle of an intense, "life changing" situation.... when you have a problem too deep to handle or even face at the time... you really need to know one thing....without a doubt.... assuredly and confidently....
Is anybody out there?
Does anyone really give a care?
Everyone has these times.....yes, EVERYONE!
OK, maybe you think you are ABOVE the rest of us, but if you do, it's time for a wake up call! Come down off the cloud you are flying on, stand up from the valley you are asleep in and join the real world.....a world that while it is beautiful, inspiring, blessed and joyful.....can also become scary, dark, terrifying and intimidating. It's time to get honest...
Yes, your parents may be the dearest "part of your heart".... friends may be calling, texting, dropping by at all times...the church family currently thinks you are the "bomb, berries", or whatever name puts you on "TOP of the list"! At school or work you are the Class President, Most Likely to Succeed, Mr/Mrs Employee of the Month and you are involved in every group possible...busy all the time... but your are lonely.
There is a difference in being "alone" and being "lonely". Sometimes I really enjoy being alone...by myself in thought. I can get in the car and sing, pray, argue.....and not feel lonely. Then other times the "fog" comes in and I feel the stark sadness...the complete emptiness....the loneliness. It feels tangible....my heart feels it's affects.
For me, loneliness and insignificance goes hand in hand. They both can be a detrimental if you cannot make yourself "rise above" their rumblings. The "PIT" as I call it, can suck you in, whip you up and spit you out. This is a time when you "tell yourself" that YOU are bigger than your feelings! You call the shots....you make the call...you must think yourself STRONG!

Proverbs 23:7- For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.
Think it, Do it, Be it....
I'm not saying that feeling lonely, insignificant and unworthy are easy feelings to conquer. They take work, LOTS OF WORK!
This song from the musical "Chicago" always spoke to me....I could feel this husband's pain. I could feel his loneliness...
John C. Reilly – “Mister Cellophane” Lyrics
If someone stood up in a crowd and raised his voice up way out loud
And waved his arm and shook his leg, you'd notice him
If someone in a movie show yelled "fired in the second row, this whole place is a powder keg!" You'd notice him
And even without clucking like a hen everyone gets noticed, now and then,
Unless, of course, that personage should be invisible, inconsequential me!
Cellophane, Mister Cellophane
Should have been my name!!!! Mister cellophane
'Cause you can look right through me, walk right by me
And never know I'm there!
No, you are NOT invisible. You are seen, but sometimes not "paid attention to". Be careful....many acts can be done just to get attention... think this through.
So, if loneliness is "growing" in your life, it's time to reach out. I used to think that others could "read my feelings", but have found that this thinking is not always true. Others may not even know that you are hurting. It's time to speak. I hope you have a friend to confide in...that will let you "have your day" and not make everything all "about them". If you are hurting and want to share, I hope that special friend knows how to listen... A good listener, consoler and counselor all rolled into one.
It goes without saying that there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother....HE is there at ALL TIMES. I know, there are times you need to feel the arms and hear the voice....that is why HE put us here....to provide those need for each other. BUT, when we sometimes miss the mark and need someone, we MUST reach out to HIM....Jesus is "With me always".
With Me Always
Mark Bishop Possum Run Music/BMI/ Centergy Music/ BMI
A ray of light on the horizon
The dawning of a brand new day - at last tomorrow's here.
My heart is empty. All tears have fallen.
I never felt as low as I did yesterday.
So last night I prayed...
I felt the sunlight.
I rose to face the day with strength I never knew I had.
Somewhere within me a fire was burning.
And I realized that last night Jesus heard my prayer.
He was always there.
With me always. With me always..
I am not alone.No, I am not alone.
For He is with me always. With me always.
Everywhere I go, it's a comfort to know
That He is here with me.
Though I wander through the desert Or I'm lost out on the sea It may seem I have no friends within a million miles of me. But He is...
R U There God?
He answers, "Right where I have always been... waiting on you. Now what can I do for you, my child?....."
Yes, I have those days. And you're so right~ loneliness and insignificance go hand in hand. So glad I know the Lord. Makes me sad to think of all the people who have these feelings and DON'T know Him.