In honor of mother's everywhere this "MOTHER'S DAY", I would first like to say....welcome to the hardest working club, the most demanding job experience and the most hilarious act of life you will ever become a part of... It's called MOTHERHOOD.
Today, I will be quoting some of my favorite Erma Bombeck quotes. Anyone that can write books titled, "The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank ~ If Life is a Bowl of Cherries, Why Am I Always In the Pits? ~ Family, the Ties That Bind....and Gag! ~ just to name a few, is my kind of gal. Even though Erma's life ended at the young age of 69, I still remember some of her most famous one liners...
"Insanity is hereditary. You can catch it from your kids."
"There's nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child."
"In general, my children refused to eat anything that hadn't danced on TV."
"Never loan your car to anyone to whom you've given birth."
"A child needs your love more when he deserves it least."
"Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids."
"It is not until you become a mother that your judgment slowly turns to compassion and understanding."
The ability to dole out love, correction, instruction, praise and warning is just a small part of being a parent. Knowing just "when" to act in the correct manner... so that a child's confidence is not crushed or their will is not "scarred for life" is a fine line. Everything must be done with tender love and care.
"Because I told you so!" becomes the stock answer at times. Why Mom, Why? If we had a coin for each time that question was asked! Why do we tell our kids "NO" sometimes? Because we sense the danger, know the risks, weight out the costs....if there is doubt for the safety of our offspring, we will warn them and "STOP" them if possible. We desire no harm to come to them, around them, or through them. Protection of the family is paramount! (Momma Bear will keep the cubs safe at all costs!)
But I believe that the "coating" on all the many "Momma Virtues" needs to be... LAUGHTER!
"When humor goes, there goes civilization."
If you can never laugh, the world seems gray. Without smiles, giggles, laughter... there is darkness instead of light.
Yes, we need to follow all the "bringing up baby rules"....they must be taught their A-B-C's, shown how to eat, brush their teeth and how to treat people fairly (just to scratch the surface rules!). But, don't forget the BEST PART....live a little, laugh a little and LOVE A LOT!
For when it is all over, you have gotten your children raised and they are educated adults, you will want some memories to look back to. And believe me, the fun ones are the best ones to remember....I keep laughing at those moments over and over again....Like a favorite movie, a best friend....they give me great joy and comfort.
Happy Mother's Day, BS!!!
ReplyDeleteLove the quotes~ so cute!
Hope your day is full of living, laughing, and loving...