~ Adjective: having knowledge, conscious, cognizant (aware of danger), informed, alert
Admitting that I am a little "naive" is hard for me. My friends and family sometimes shake their heads, because I just tend to see the "sunny side...the innocent side" too often. I choose to stay light-hearted....I have seen the "darker" personality types up close, and it scares me ~ hence my "bright outlook" stand!
Today I look at the DANGERS of not "seeing" clearly.
To me, there are two sides to view life: as the optimist and the cautious. You probably thought I was going to say "pessimist", but I do now want to even go there. Too many positive avenues in life to go down that street!
I used to think that being too cautious took the FUN OUT OF LIFE! Who wants to hear, "Don't drive that fast, even if you are having fun with your friends, you may wreck!" Truth with cautious warning thrown in....being careful! Not pessimistic, just realistic! Rules are not meant to be negative, they are positively made to keep us safe. Hard for some kids (and grown-ups) to grasp.
I am so thankful that my nature ~ my spiritual sense ~ has kept me (protected me!) from many dangers. If you listen to the "wisdom in your head", you can be protected beyond measure. Some say it is our conscious mind speaking to us, I go a little further and say it is the ALMIGHTY trying to instruct us! Yes, HE speaks to me.. directly through my heart, mind and soul ....warning me, "Don't go there....here are the consequences....". Clearly he points out the end results....then it's my call....my choice. Although I am saddened to say that I have not always "headed his warnings", there are times I have "gotten the message" and other times he was just gracious and watched over me....Great God! So glad he looks over my ignorance...HE knows my true heart and guards it lovingly!
Just this past weekend, a young girl (my youngest daughter's age) was killed in a four-wheeler accident. Her boyfriend was driving too fast, drinking, she asked him to let her off, they wrecked, next thing we know she lost her life....from carelessness? Probably. Senseless Death? Most Definitely. Did someone miss a Danger sign?
Another aspect of awareness is the cautious side we must have when it comes to reading people....our discernment of someone's personality/nature. I would love to say that all people I meet are wonderful human beings. Many times I have thought so at first....giving the benefit of the doubt, forgiving past indiscretions and "forgetting those things which are behind", I have formed friendships and "willed" someone to be a good person in my eyes. BUT....
What would you do if you would hear a news report that said your neighbor or friend has just murdered someone? Do you immediately jump to their defense and say, "Johnny could NOT have done that!"? Or do you sit and think....what happened here? Recently it seems many articles and news reports have been about people hurting young children....a neighbor killing a little girl next door....a father beating his little girl because she wouldn't finish her cereal! What makes a person who can treat some people fairly and with respect treat another with such disregard? Can we recognize the signs? Or are they hidden...where only a spiritual eye can recognize? Sobering thought, for sure...
I work in a profession (with the elderly) where we have to keep our eyes open and be "watchful" for any type of abuse. Physical abuse is appalling, YES, but verbal, psychological abuse is even worse! These scars are too deep, too hidden, often ignored or defended..... but they affect lives in MAJOR ways. Can I see pain, even if it is hidden? Can I look beyond the child that seems so innocent and acts like the doting daughter to see that Mom/Dad are being mistreated by their "angel"? Hard calls.
I just want my eyes to be open. Yes, I want to see good....but I also want to recognize the harmful...the person or thing that will do me "ill-will". May I be smart enough ~ not as naive~ to walk the path of life wisely. May the Holy Spirit help me in this regard...for I cannot make these calls. I look through eyes of faith...let me also look through eyes of carefulness and see what HE is trying to show me. He is working for me, for my good, not against me, HE wants what is best for me..... so HE sends warnings!
Let me see and know the right path....and not go down a path where I am "unknowingly" sucked into danger for myself, my friends or my family. May I not stand up for the wrong and not condone the hurting of ANYONE....NO, this is not acceptable....Not in my eyes....
This is powerful stuff, RH. Never be afraid to say the heavy things~ we all need our eyes to be opened again and again. Say what you need to say. There's a reason for it.
ReplyDeleteSo true, Bren... as always. It's easy to get yourself into the habit of refusing to be pessimistic and neglect to see the dangers in some things just because you wanna see and hope the best in every situation! couldn't believe everything about amber's death... shouldn't have happened! she was such a sweet girl!