I love to "spice" up stuff. Life, food, fun...just about everything. An added "ZING" is always the ultimate goal. Why do something "good" when you can do it "GREAT"? Just another part of my "fun-loving-nature" I guess...
Well, one thing I have found that really gives some extra "KAPOW" is...... SUGAR! Yes, that is my secret ingredient.
In food, sugar can make the best recipe even better. Have you ever tried sugar in your gravy? Or green beans? Or in your spaghetti sauce? It's like sugar takes all the other ingredients and makes them "EXPLODE" with flavor!
I love the Disney movie, Ratatouille. He is the ultimate little chef...mixing all the best flavors and spices to create deliciously outstanding food for his establishment. My kind of guy (or rat?)...

I know that some people cannot handle real sugar, if they suffer from diabetes. Many in my family suffer from this health condition....myself included! We are just very fortunate to live in a time that supplies us with so many "sugar alternatives/substitutes". Splenda, Sweet-N-Low, Equal, to name a few. They even have Splenda in brown sugar! Wow, how blessed! What a joy to use on our favorite sweet potatoes...just wouldn't be the same without it!
Now in reflecting on the "sugar" side of life....I really like to make life fun and happy. Hopefully, I do not cause hardship or unhappiness for my family, friends, co-workers...anyone I encounter. Life is too great, too precious, too short to spend time making others miserable.
That's why I think many need to add some "sugar" to their diet! I hope that "cranky" people remember how to be nice. If they could just remember or look back to funner times and scrutinize what made that time/moment happy. I'm sure there was someone with a happy heart in the middle of it .....wanting to spread joy, wanting to share some laughs. Oh, that we can be reminded of those times and how they were created....and create some more!
With the "secret ingredient", you can affect so many with so little. "Little is much if God is in it!". Yes, joy comes with the gift of his spirit. I just get so excited when I realize how much "GOOD" he puts in everything. Here is a God that calls ALL the shots.... and designed the world to include his spirit that is so GOOD. It didn't have to be so, he could have been a "tyrant" ruler, but he chose LOVE in the truest form. For that I am forever and eternally grateful.
So, even though I may need to use a "watered-down substitute" for sugar in my meal preparations, I will NOT water down the sweetness HE has given to my life. I want it full-strength and powerful....full of ZIP, ZING and KAPOW! Yes, sometimes people think (yes, I have been accused of being fake!) that my happiness is not real...but, I can tell you with great assurance, It is real and the best "ingredient" in my life!
More sugar to ya! Spread some around (and in!) all you do... watch for the reactions... they will be asking, "Who is the chef"? :-P)
you're as real as can be...sugar and spice and everything nice.