(Dad on his 73rd birthday, July 4, 2008)
Today is bittersweet.
Today is one of the funnest days "ever" on my calendar...usually.
From a young age, I remember ALWAYS having the BIGGEST and BEST picnics on the 4th of July. Uncle Sonny and Aunt Leona ALWAYS opened up their house and invited all the church family to their house for a day filled with good food, laughter and fun! Aunt Leona would have all the kids ~ Sharon, Gary, Ronnie, Marla, Timmy, Nila and Randy ~ getting the house "spic and span" for this annual event! All the stops were pulled out, even the house would be repainted (white with turquoise trim) for the occasion!
Many stories of those times come to mind...precious memories!
~ The one 4th of July when I had the chicken pox and had to stay on the couch at Grandma's ALL DAY, while looking out the window at everyone playing and having fun! My cousins Nila and Marla were so great to come in and check on me. Missed out on all the fun that year! SIGH...
~ Uncle Sonny getting out the big tubs and filling them with ice and cold water...never drank pop (soda) so cold or Watermelon!
~ Endless days of badminton
~ Me getting sun burnt SOOO bad... seems I never would learn to stay in the shade!
~ The year we let off so many "penny-enny" firecrackers late at night that the neighbors (over on the pike) called the cops on us! We hid out in the corn-field till the cops left...SHWEW! That was close!
Loved having everyone 'together'....that was the funnest part!
We knew we were celebrating the patriotic reasons for the day, but the 4th always had ANOTHER blessing, my Dad's birthday. It just seemed appropriate that he was a "firecracker" baby. I think he loved that a celebration was always made in his honor! :)
Grandma Minnie always found the freshest of new green beans to put in the pot and bake a scrumptious pan of cornbread to accent. Everyone brought a covered - dish. I never saw so much chicken, meatloaf, potato salad, baked beans.... (You can imagine...the family reunion style buffet!) A huge birthday cake always rounded out the yummy meal in celebration of Dad's birthday.
Many years have come and gone, family and church members have spread throughout the USA... but memories are still recalled of this special time on the "HILL". Unless you have been to my birthplace, you cannot understand the true meaning of "The Hill". I hope you get to visit/revisit some day.
With this "scattering" of family/friends, the last few years the 4th of July celebrations have become more "family oriented".... meaning, each family would have their own family cookout, go to the Wellsburg 4th of July parade, then gather back on the "Hill" for the fireworks. Since the "Hill" overlooked the Ohio River where the fireworks were released, it felt like we had front-row seats to the event! As a young child, I would set in awe and wonder at the beautiful sight....I am still thrilled with fireworks, lights and waterfalls today!
So today, we (hubby and I) decided to stay at our home and enjoy a cookout with his Ma/Pa and Sister. We had such a good time making new memories! We had spent last weekend with the girls in Indianapolis...had a cookout and watched some fireworks there.
BUT, it is still different this year. No birthday party, no "gathering" of the usual family members. I think it has just been too hard... We know that God has Dad... We know that he would not want us to miss the "fun and fireworks".
So, tonight, I am going to a close city to watch some fireworks. I know that Dad would be pleased.... he enjoyed life... I want to too.
With all my heart I want to say, God Bless America! And God Bless our Families! We need God's blessings on them both so greatly!
This sounds like such a special time. I can just imagine all the fun. I'm so glad that you were able to have a good time this year~ I know it couldn't have been easy. Your daddy would be so proud of you.