Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Visitation

I love company.

I REALLY love to get visitors when I have had time to prepare. That is a lot more fun. I can have the house 'just right', prepare some yummy food, snacks, desserts and wait in anticipation.

Are you a good waiter? I am not particularly.... patience is one of the 'harder' virtues for me! I may even admit that it is my HARDEST!

I have been know to pace... back and forth... anxiously waiting for my company to arive. During these "multiple" trips to look out the front door or window, I am reminded of the scripture....

"Watch and Pray".

With the same anticipaiton that I wait for my visitors/company here on earth, I should be 'watching' for the GRAND APPEARING OF MY SAVIOR! My heart is condemned....because I realize that there are many times I have had my mind and heart so set on 'this life', that I have forgotten to dwell on the 'next life'.

May I never forget that I am in a temporary place... in a world that is just a "preparation facility" for the real life... eternal life that is to come.

So, while I live and 'occupy' til HE comes, may I keep looking... watching... praying... anticipating with JOY his grand appearing. May I be happy to see him and have everything prepared for his visit.

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