I will never forget the words of Sis. Hightower. She was speaking at a ladies meeting in Parkersburg years (over 24!) ago. I loved the way she brought "real life" into the day-to-day life of the evangelist's family. Even though she was TOTALLY behind her husband's ministry, in ALL ways, she spoke of times when she felt "left out" of his world. This is the words that she said that I will NEVER forget...
"Sometimes I look at Bro. Hightower and say, "OVER HERE! LOOK, OVER HERE....YES, ME....YOUR WIFE! I'M STARVIN'"
Yes, she did say starvin' and not starving! And she went on to explain that what she meant was, "I am starvin' for ATTENTION!"
MANY times, we, especially us ladies (and I'm not picking on you men, just speaking to the female crowd right now!), feel left out of the "fun stuff" in life. With so many "natural/home-life" responsibilities on our minds, we don't get to ENJOY much at times. ESPECIALLY when our children are small. It is our job to see to house, home, family, and all that those subjects entail.
If we do not watch, we can loose ourselves. Let me reiterate....If we are not careful, our "identity" will get lost in the doing of "stuff".
I realize that we have to let go of ourselves to a 'degree' in our service to others. BUT, we will definitely not help or benefit anyone if we become a zombie while performing our "duties". Our heart and soul needs to be imparted when we are doing ANY deed. Example: I can be "tuned out" when the kids come home from school, not hear their "chatter about the day", put supper on the table, not be aware of their feelings, run on "auto-pilot" and not "care-mode". Don't get me wrong, we all "space out" sometimes, but the real chore is to get back on track as soon as we realize that we are not "feeling" to the right extent. This is the fine line between functionaing normally and "Overload".
How do you tell when "responsibility ends and overload starts".... herein in the question of life...
What do you do when you feel the 'balance tipping'?
The ONLY help I know is one of a 'non-natural' nature.... it is spiritual. Only those seeking "non-tangible" answers will find it... it is found at HIS feet. The true answer is spiritual and part of HIS nature, that we take on by spending time with HIM.
For the fruit of the spirit is: love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, faith and temperance.
I can find all the attributes that are missing when I am "overwhelmed", "past caring" and "beyond compassion". It is truly heavenly help that comes from above.
So, to not feel that you are the only one "Starvin'" in this life. We all are swallowed up at times (more often than not!) and need some divine intervention.
A dear friend of our family always amazed me... you would never know she had a problem or a care.... she was the first one to laugh and be happy! All the while, she had NOTHING! Smiling and singing while sweeping her DIRT FLOOR! Oh, to find such peace and contentment...
Just be careful not to look for the answers in the wrong place.... UP is where they reside.